May 22Liked by Patrick Glancy

Can confirm about growing it out. Never got so many compliments. The wife likes it better short though so that only lasted a year.

Idk why but I really enjoy watching old man pitching and totally befuddling the young hitters. Seems like a great prank unfolding

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Yeah, I don't know why either, but it's oddly satisfying. I don't even think it's a getting older thing either, because I enjoyed it even when I was a kid.

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May 23Liked by Patrick Glancy

I was salt and pepper by the age of 30.All white for the past 30 years. At least I have some hair, got that going for me. Getting older ain't for sissies that's for sure! Watching the SoCon championship tournament in Greenville SC this week. Have a great weekend!

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Thanks, Ed. You too!

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May 23Liked by Patrick Glancy

Can confirm chicks dig the silver hair.

I started watching baseball in 1974 or so, and Yaz was the ancient warrior even then at age 35.

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May 22Liked by Patrick Glancy

Charlie Hough was my favorite "old man" pitcher!

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Many an afternoon we tried to replicate his knuckleball in the backyard. I never did figure out how to throw it, but occasionally I got lucky and had success throwing whatever trash I was tossing out in my attempts to emulate him.

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At this point, I'm happy with whatever hair has remained on my head, be it white or brown!

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I get it. The universe might have spared my hair, but it's taken its toll in other areas as I get older. "Sure, we'll let you keep your hair, Glancy, but it's gonna feel like your arm is gonna fall off every time you play catch with your son. And just wait till you see what we have in store when you try to play a pickup basketball game."

I know the link between baldness and your maternal grandfather is supposed to be an old wives' tale, but it's certainly held true for my family history. I got lucky in that regard, but it doesn't bode well for any of my three sons.

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I've heard that, but I definitely got my dad's hair. Same hairline, same thinning. Oh well.

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